Kindermusik Young Child: Musicians

Kindermusik Musicians

"The beautiful thing about learning music is that you carry it for life"

Kindermusik Musicians


Welcome to Kindermusik Musicians!

Does your child LOVE music, but is not quite ready for formal sit-down lessons? Kindermusik Musicians is your little one's Pre-piano/formal instrument program where they will learn how to read musical notation, play instruments such as the recorder and glockenspiel, provide an outlet to explore new genres, and give children what they need to succeed in future instrument-specific music lessons.

Kindermusik Musicians is an incredibly enriched 1-year musical learning journey (4 progressive terms) which will teach your child to be a confident, musically literate, note-reading, beat-keeping, ensemble savvy, composing, improvising, lesson-ready music maker and is an exciting, fun and fabulous place to be for your budding musicians.

It provides your child with the tools and knowledge to begin formal instruction with an enthusiasm and continued love for music that will stay with them forever.

I encourage you to give them this wonderful experience that will benefit them for years to come!

Flying Fox Studios will begin one Kindermusik Musicians group at the start of 2025. Students will move through Terms 1 to 4 together as a group. To enrol into musicians Term 2, students must have completed the Term 1 components, or had equivalent music experience.

  • Music Concepts Feel the beat! Kindermusik Musicians students experience steady beat, rhythm, and melody through listening, moving, singing, playing instruments, and more
  • Auditory Discrimination Clear, flat, metallic, warm...children develop the ability to listen to music and sound while paying close attention to differences in pitch and the instrument timbre.
  • Ensemble Experience “Everybody ready?” Students participate in activities involving instrument ensembles, vocal ensembles, and group dancing.
  • Instrument Play Through their knowledge of music notation, children learn how to play the glockenspiel, dulcimer, and recorder.

The Kindermusik Home digital home materials extend the benefits all week long with music from class, activities for the whole family, and each month’s story.

  • A Community! Flying Fox Studios offers unique facilities for all our classes for children. Not only do we have a fantastic large teaching classroom, we also have a whole community of parents and toddlers just waiting to meet you. Often parents will stay for a play together in our park like backyard play space, or have cuppa and a chat over morning tea in one of our two playrooms. In this age group our Imagine That students will attend the lesson for the first 30 minutes as a class without their adult, then all parents and siblings join in together for the last 15 minutes. This is a great opportunity for younger siblings to have a play together while the older children are in class.


Term 1, 2025
Unit: Musicians 1

  • Age Range: 4.5 to 6 years
  • Class Length:45 minutes
  • Unit Length: 8 weeks
  • Term 1, 2025 Cost: $199 (8 week term + Instrument & Digital Home Materials)
  • Term 1, 2025 Class Bookings

Term 1 Kindermusik classesKindermusik Musicians

Kindermusik Musicians

Kindermusik Musicians


Flying Fox Studios has been proudly running Kindermusik in Everton Park since 2006 (and years before that based in Enoggera).

Our studio has been designed with families and young children in mind. Our facilities include a parents kitchen, lounge room, backyard play area, internal bathroom, change table, high chair, microwave, and comfortable couches to feed bub on.

We are a family with young children ourselves, and understand jugling the demands of young children can be tough sometimes! For this reason we offer a flexible make up class policy, and a friendly community minded atmosphere.

A Kindermusik class is a wonderful opportunity to spend a concentrated 45 minutes playing / singing / dancing with your baby, without the distractions of the fast paced outside world. All children and parents are welcome to come along and join us.


Kindermusik ~ "A good beginning never ends"

 Studio Address: 749-753 Southpine Rd Everton Park
(Crn Barton St & South Pine Rd)
Phone: 07 3855 1528