Kindermusik Village: Bounce & Play

Kindermusik Village

Start your babies music journey with us today! Free Trial Class

Who knew that you would find gazing into your baby’s eyes the most exciting part of your day? In Kindermusik, we understand how precious this time is with your little one. That’s why Village: Bounce & Play was created.

In a Kindermusik Village class, we take those special bonding moments between you and your baby and add in a unique blend of musical learning activities that stimulate and engage all of the senses. Your educator will teach you how to encourage your baby’s learning through vocal play, object exploration, sensory play, instruments, and creative movement.

What you’ll experience in class:

  • Variety of music. Musical diversity builds strong neural networks in a baby’s forming mind, which is why each Kindermusik semester contains an array of styles, sounds, and genres.
  • Instrument play. Age-appropriate experiences with child-safe instruments enhances a sense of rhythm and steady beat, develops a keen awareness of the distinguishing qualities of sound, and encourages spontaneity and creativity.
  • Movement. A classroom full of baby and adult pairs moving together helps a little body develop the muscle strength needed to crawl and walk and helps a little heart to fall in love with the sheer joy of responding to music.
  • Together time. A Kindermusik class is truly the essence of “quality time,” offering you a place to create special memories with your child, gain new insights into your child’s development, and nurture your child’s natural love of music.
  • Learning continues at home. With the home materials, the learning continues at home with your child’s best teacher—you!
Our Village Bounce & Play classes at Flying Fox Studios run in term blocks, with a three week pause between each term. This enables families with older child/ren a break from classes over each school holiday period. Our usual pattern is to run a 8 week term, then a three week break in-between. This will continue of the course of the year (Terms 1 through to 4), with a longer break over the Christmas / New Year period.
When you enrol in a Village Bounce & Play class at Flying Fox Studios you may attend additional class days (subject to availability) at no extra cost.

Kindermusik Village Babies Village Babies

Village Babies Class Kindermusik Village: Bounce & Play

  • Age Range: 6 weeks to 17 Months
  • Class Length: 45 minutes
  • Cost: $184 (8 week term)
  • Class size: Up to 8 babies and their adults per class.
  • Term 1, 2025 Times & Bookings

Term 1 Kindermusik classes
Term 1 Unit:
Rhythm of My Day

The Rhythm of My Day is a delightful unit that highlights the concept of a family’s daily rituals and routines. Songs and activities from the unit are designed to help children and parents incorporate music into many of their regular routines.

You too can bring home those same stress-free play and relaxation techniques from class, and incorporate them into your daily routines, such as: developing a safe and secure environment for a baby’s growth in all domains; reinforcing family traditions and memories as well as cultural heritage and values; and providing a solid foundation to help assist a baby in adapting to and coping with change.

Maestro Educater

Kindermusik Village: Bounce & Play

How To EnrolFree Trial ClassStudio Questions

Free Trial Lesson

Flying Fox Studios has been proudly running Kindermusik in Everton Park since 2006 (and years before that based in Enoggera).

Our studio has been designed with families and young children in mind. Our facilities include a parents kitchen, lounge room, backyard play area, internal bathroom, change table, high chair, microwave, and comfortable couches to feed bub on.

We are a family with young children ourselves, and understand juggling the demands of young children can be tough sometimes! For this reason we offer a flexible make up class policy, and a friendly community minded atmosphere.

A Kindermusik class is a wonderful opportunity to spend a concentrated 45 minutes playing / singing / dancing with your baby, without the distractions of the fast paced outside world. All children and parents are welcome to come along and join us.

Kindermusik Village: Bounce & Play

 Studio Address: 749-753 Southpine Rd Everton Park
(Crn Barton St & South Pine Rd)
Phone: 07 3855 1528