ArtPlay Grownups

Art class for adults

Why should the kids have all the fun?

Would you like to be part of a bold new approach to learning new skills or refining and refreshing rusty ones? Each week there will be new input and "play
tasks" to build your visual curiosity and observation skills, as well as practise, the basis for developing skill in drawing.

Unlock hitherto serious art speak. Play with the elements of art. Take a line for a walk, have fun with colour, shape and value. Create artwork with an awareness of form, space and texture. Discover and use a variety of media. Learn about traditional and unconventional tools and methods. With guided experimentation you'll be learn the basic building blocks to create your own artworks or to build your own portfolio. Then you'll be ready to run, jump, skip, hop, or whatever you desire.

Build confidence as your drawing skill improves. Demystify some of the tools and art media you can use. Re-discover your visual curiosity and enjoyment of playing with new things. Enjoy a relaxed and supportive environment where the teacher and other students work alongside each other sharing their experience. Most of all we'll enjoy the journey.

Is this you? "I can't draw as well as my kids." "I don't know about different types of paper or which brushes to use with which paint." "I'd like to get back into art, I used to like it back in the day." " I'm a little intimidated when I go into an art supply shop." " I'm not sure where to start."

Are you a grown up? Ready to play?

Want to have a try? In our Adult class we offer a $45.00 trial lesson to attend just one class. Places are very limited, and must be booked in advance.

Art Play

  • Age Range: Adults
  • Time: Friday 12:30 pm to 2pm
  • Class Length: 90 minutes.
  • Class size: Up to 10 students
  • Term 1, 2025 Cost: $289 (8 weeks)
  • Book online by adding yourself as a 'student' to your own account, or enrol over the phone.
  • Term 1, 2025 Class Times & Bookings

Term 1 2025

Theme: Watercolour Play

Our emphasis during Term 1 2025 is on the exciting medium of watercolours. We will cover a wide range of applications and techniques over the 8 week term.

This group class is relaxed with the teaching artist providing input in skills development and guiding experimentation.

This group is ideal for those who want to build confidence, relax, explore and develop their skills.

Term 1 Art Class Times and Bookings Link

Art Landscape


Art Play 2025Art Play Class for Adults Art Play
Art Welcome

 Studio Address: 749-753 Southpine Rd Everton Park
(Crn Barton St & South Pine Rd)
Phone: 07 3855 1528